Chapter-Wise Mind-Maps For English Class-12| CBSE 12th Exam 2021 : Quick Revision Chapter-Wise Mind-Maps For English Class-12


CBSE 12th Exam 2021 : Quick Revision Chapter-Wise Mind-Maps For English Class-12

Mind Maps are the best Study Materials to Memorise Any Topic in very less time. So, Taking that thought in our mind , our experts have created Mind maps for class 12 of the subject English which will help the students to revise the whole topic in very short interval of time. Given below are the direct Respective PDF links containing chapters:

Chapter NameDownload
1. My Mother At Sixty-SixClick Here
2. An Elementary School Classroom In A SlumClick Here
3. Keeping QuietClick Here
4. A Thing Of BeautyClick Here
5. Aunt Jennifer’s TigersClick Here
1. The Last LessonClick Here
2. Lost SpringClick Here
3. Deep WaterClick Here
4. The RattrapClick Here
5. IndigoClick Here
6. Going PlacesClick Here
1. The Tiger KingClick Here
2. The EnemyClick Here
3. Should Wizard Hit MommyClick Here
4. On The Face Of ItClick Here
5. Evans Tries An O-LevelClick Here
6. Memories Of ChildhoodClick Here


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